of the seed of the pomegranate

In the 1900s there was a big genocide in Armenia between the Armenians and Turkey. When they were put into camps, there were pomegranates that would fall from the trees into the camps where the Armenians were held. They would break open the pomegranates and share the seeds of the pomegranate with each other, often surviving off just one aril. Christianity was born in Armenia and during this time Turkey wanted to convert Armenia to a Muslim country. The veil symbolized the push for women to hide themselves and their bodies. They were limited to their freedom in many ways and were forced to hide their sensuality. To me, these photos symbolize the desire to break free from religion and control. It symbolizes a yearning to see clearly again. To trust in the mystery of life and to express our hearts through our hands, through dance and expression. Today, we grasp our culture as we face more and more attacks. Being pushed out of our native land. One thing remains, the spirit of the Armenians and their willingness to believe in a kinder world. - Lilit (Model)